Ежедневный журнал о Латвии Freecity.lv
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Фёдор Шаляпин, русский оперный певец
English version

Riga Airport Handles 2.8 Million Passengers during the First Seven Months of the Year

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Preliminary data on Airport performance show that Riga Airport handled 2.8 million passengers in the first seven months of this year – 302% more than in the same period last year.

This July, almost 606 thousand passengers were handled at the Airport, and compared to last July, the number of passengers has increased by 104 percent. In the seventh month of the year, Riga Airport reached 72 % of the pre-crisis number of passengers, and 64 % of the 2019 figures in the annual breakdown.

The flow of transit passengers also shows a gradual slow increase at Riga Airport, which dropped significantly after the war started by Russia in Ukraine. As airlines create new transit route offers, already more than a fifth (23%) of travellers used Riga as a point of transfer to further destinations in July.

In July, more than half (54 %) or 331.6 thousand passengers were carried by the national airline "airBaltic", also performing the largest number of flights – 2880 flights (56%); almost 28 % or 168.4 thousand passengers used the Irish low-cost airline "Ryanair", which operated 974 flights, or about 19% of all flights served.

A total of 5.1 thousand flights were handled at Riga Airport in July, and 30.6 thousand flights were handled in the first seven months this year.

The war started by Russia in Ukraine and international flight bans still affect air cargo segment, as a result of which 1.5 thousand tonnes of cargo were handled at Riga Airport in July. This year, the Airport handled a total of 12.5 thousand tonnes of cargo, or 19% less than in the corresponding period of 2019 and 12% less than in the same period last year.

Riga Airport is a fast-growing Northern European air traffic hub, connecting the Baltic countries with European business centres and popular holiday destinations. Being aware of its role and responsibility in the national economy of Latvia, Riga Airport develops sustainable services and infrastructure, taking care of its employees and the environment, and keeping pace with society and the local community. By joining the Net Zero 2050 initiative, Riga Airport has committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2050.
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